Why is being introverted not normalised..?

Life has been hard having born as an introvert not only by virtue of it but also owing to ignorance. To a considerable amount of time in my life, I perceived being introvert is a deficiency lacking social skills or being shy as world around me revolved around likes and dislikes of largely extrovert population. I failed miserably each time I tried to fit in what I thought was normal. Transformation from feeling abnormal to accepting myself has been challenging but a rewarding experience.

While there is a scope of improvement for extremely introvert people in terms of improving skills, it’s perfectly a normal human trait that has several benefits that an outgoing person would envy. Social interaction could be draining but alone time is never boring. Due to lower percentage of introvert group, world seems to have designed for the opposite that always tries to drag rare people into the larger lot. There is no way to switch personality type that we are born with, but introverts have chance to learn and adapt as they are constantly pressurised to do otherwise. On the contrary, who are deemed to be perfect as they fit into the common mindset, got little room to develop their personalities.

Am I resentful of what I am born with..? Well, no!  It came with far more advantages than the misery that it put me through. But, regretful that it took painfully longer to realise and accept something that was normal to begin with. Nonetheless, effort that has been put into trying to be ‘normal’ hasn’t gone into waste, neither will it be ever.

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